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Thandai Recipe

  • Prep Time
    10 Mins
  • Cook Time
    5 Mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    15 Mins

Thandai is no doubt a panacea for ailments. The spices and dry fruits in it make it a great immune booster, and give it special digestive properties, improving bowel movement and helping the body detox naturally. This is one of the tastiest traditional drinks of India, but not many of us are aware of the various benefits of this sweet and soothing drink.

Loaded with nutrition, it has many amazing health benefits to offer. Authentic It is made with nuts and spices which give us an instant boost of energy, helps improving immunity and digestion.

This is a rich drink; loaded with flavors and nutrients. Nuts, dry fruits, and spices are full of good nutrition and are loaded with hidden Medicinal health benefits. It helps the body maintain good health during the season change and hot summers. Thandai acts as a natural cooling agent.

How to make Thandai at home



    Steps to make Thandai

    thandai step 1

    Arrange the ingredients

    thandai step 2

    soak in water

    thandai step 3

    make paste

    thandai step 4

    filter it

    thandai step 5

    it is ready

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